Febuary 21, 2012      7:09

Day review:

I'm worried sick about Jacob D, He's moving in 3 more days! He didn't hang out with me at school today, when I wasn't looking, he went to zumba, leaving me with Carter. Thats when things got boring.... VERY boring. But, that doesn't make my first diary boring.

Today, Carter was just.... There.... My REAL highlight was my glove... I was stupidly throwing my glove up in the air.... By a tree.... A tree that was off the property but its branches reached over to the school ground. And of course, my glove got caught in it. This isn't your averge grandma-knitted glove, this is my new, leather ski glove. When it first got caught.... I didn't have too many ideas, but fortunatly Lucas (My enemy who is Scottish and blond. I call him Mucus) was building a rock for near by... VERY near by... Right behind me. And he was nice enough to shout "GET THE ROCKS!!!" And started biffing rocks at the tree. Unfortunatly that didn't work... Fortunatly there was grade 6s near by, and they love a challange. One guy climbed the tree that was on the property and tryed trowing rocks from there... Well, that didn't work.... Then I gave up hope... But then I had an idea.  I told the grade 6s, If they were to stand on the fence and she the branch, they might be able to get the glove free. Well, that was very sucsessful and in seconds, the glove dropped down. I was very grateful to the grade six and went off. Well, apperntly the sixes thought that was fun and got their hat stuck in a tree... Then that got a guy stuck in a tree. Good going grade six!



Rar. I'm sitting at my blue desk in my room.... Typing this up.... Now it's 7:28....

I'm looking REALLY hard for my SD card addapter so I can get Caramelldansen on this thing and pics of the tree my glove got caught in.... Well, pic of everything, really. Rar... I really need that... I really need to go look for that now.

This is Wailord signing off!



Febuary 22, 2012

Hey guys! 2 More days until Jacob D. goes... That's going to be sad. I figured out what I will give him, but I'm going to keep it a secret until he leaves. I might not make a dairy on the 24th... It depends how sad I am in and what mood I'm in.

I found my SD card addapter but I can't seem to upload the pics onto this. Oh well.

Right now:

I'm sitting at my desk eating chocolate... Yum...

Day reveiw:

School was boring, I was sleepy, I laughed at everything I could... I felt drunk... But how would I know what that feels like... I felt like I felt like I was drunk.

Walking home from the bus was the best part, in the grass there was a puddle around 5 inches deep! I playe din it for a while, splashing around on the side of the street all by myself. I could smell ozone in the air and sun shone through the sky. It felt like after the storm. I could hear the birds chirping, I could feel the cold water seeping through my winter boots. I looked up at the sky, in the deepest part of the water, I smiled up to the sun...

That's all for today!

This is Wailord, signing out!


 Febuary 24, 2012

I wasn't here on the 23, I wasn't here on the 25, but I'm here on the 26th. I'm here to review the 24th, the day wasn't as tragic as I thought.

The 24th was a Friday, on Friday the school decieded to go on a walk through the park, just down the road. Olivia's mom agreed to come for the walk. My class was ahead of the whole school, but when Mrs. Hardy stopped to take a picture of the ducks sliding on the ice, most of the older level of the school caught up to us and waited on the bridge. I saw Olivia's bright pink coat and ran over to her. Olivia and Jacob D. were partners. I joined in, forgetting about my real partner that I had to be with. Olivia invited me to a bowling party with just Max, Jacob and Olivia, I could come, too!

After school

Mother said I could  go bowling and I was the happiest person. I packed up my Jelly Bellys and my coconut purse and waited by the door for Dawn. She soon came and I hopped into the small, crammed car, I sat to the right in the back next to Jacob. I didn't feel like crying one bit, I was in the party mood.

When we got there, I got hopped up on candy. Cosmic bowling looked more like a night club. I danced the night away in the bowling lanes.

 March 24th, 2012

My bad, I haven't had the time to go on in a while, not much happend. I saw the Hunger Games movies early. It was a good movie.

Recently my friends started drifting away from me and I have gotten increasingly more violent. I'm starting to worry about myself, and at the same time, fairly happy. All those people that said I wouldn't even hurt a fly in a mean way, is scared of me, every person that's planning on destroying something of mine, takes caution,

I belive I'm safe now.


I'm going to go learn to....

Make a skybox.

This is Wailord, signing out.

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